Chase St. Bridge Replacement Project 5114(016)
In general, the work consists of bridge replacement and relocation of water and sewer services, including demolishing and removing existing concrete curb, gutter and sidewalk and/or residential driveway, adjusting utility valve boxes to grade, installing concrete curb and gutter, sidewalk and driveway, installing rock slope protection, temporary traffic control, storm water pollution control, and other related work, as set forth on the project Plans and Specifications. This project also includes relocating sewer and water services, including trenching, shoring, installation, backfill and surface restoration.
Bidding Closed
Bid Date5/9/23 2:00pm
Company & Contacts
City of Sonoma
Oriana Hart
Sonoma, CA
OPTIONAL Pre-Job Walk – Public Works will hold a job walk on April 25, 2023 at 2:30pm, Chase St Bridge Site / 78 Chase St Sonoma.
Engineer’s Estimate: $1,000,000 to $2,500,000.